My TiideLab Experience 4.0

Akanwealth Asanga
3 min readJan 21, 2021

There is a famous expression in English: “When the going gets tough, the tough get going” — meaning when the situation becomes difficult, the strong will work harder to meet the challenge.

That how TiideLab has built me so far, Am officially a backend developer.

This month Mr Kenny, our backend instructor, has been putting us through NodeJS and SQL(MYSQL) which has been a great experience so far. I have been able to Create Tables and columns where I can;

Insert — `insert into table-name (columns) values (columns value)`

Select — `select * from table-name`

Delete — `delete from users where id = ${}`

Update -` update users set`

Basically, I can do a crud operation, I also learnt that MySQL is not case sensitive.

We where show dependency that will help make our work faster and smarter in terms of the scalable program.

Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. With node.js I have been able to create a server to run my API. We were also shown how to hash the password and use JSON web token in our project, so has to be able to create permission for each role. He also touches the ERD and shows how to create a table for each role.

Backend is fun when you have a good instructor and friend to ask for help when needed. Creating API has a backend developer has made me a great thinker and a problem solver in both technical and non-technical skills. I get to approach each problem with a different mindset now, knowing that it can be solved in different ways having the same solution.

Will like to talk about my non-technical days, which are Fridays. Friday is always a meet up if you are following me you will remember I mention it in my previous articles. One of the Friday was about SPEECH delivery and Friday’s meet up is always handle by Mr Shamsudeen aka Mr Shams or Biggie but let stick to Biggie cause that how I like addressing him.

In Biggie words Speech delivery is an art and not science.

The 3A’s of public speaking are -




Biggie also spoke on what a great speaker needs and how they begin. Here are the steps to take.

  1. Identify the goal

2. Care about the topic

3. Stick to your speech goal

4. Support every point with examples

5. Tell a story

6. Practice your speech

Then after that all TiideLab fellow where delegate representing different country and out theme was about COVID-19 and it impacts on each country.

I had the privilege to sit has the secretary-general to the UN 75TH Delegate resolution and was also a delegate of South Africa. This helped me in my speech presentation and posture.

On 27th November Biggie also spoken about Negotiation and mediation skills. The fellows were taught how to have a proper negotiation path. Which are;

Stage 1(preparation) -> Stage 2(interaction) ->Stage 3(bargaining and concessions)-> Stage 4(agreement and conclusion)-> Stage 5(Evaluation)

We have 2 types of the negotiation process which are:

  1. BATNA(Best Alternative To a Negotiation Agreement)

2. ZOPA(Zone Of Possible Agreement)

My negotiation skill was also put to test where my group represented IPOB( The Indigenous People of Biafra) we had to come to an agreement with the government on a way forward.

This was how my last month in TiideLab went. Will keep you updated on my next step. But if you have a project we can work on just chat me up am always available.



Akanwealth Asanga

Backend developer | Open to opportunities | Vanilla JavaScript, NodeJs, MongoDB, SQL |I Code for a leaving | TIIDELab fellow