My TiideLab Experience-3

Akanwealth Asanga
2 min readNov 9, 2020


Another level at TiideLab as vanilla JavaScript comes to an end. This pass weeks has being mind blowing has my project has leveled up.

Vanilla JS has giving me a new twist to programming, has I have being walked through with ARRAY functions, Dom operation and lot more. Am grateful to TiideLab for there endless drive to my success in TiideLab. How far I have gotten today is because of them.

Let me walk you through my journey so far.

I was introduce to callback function:

  1. setTimeOut()
  2. Promise ()
  3. Asynchronous await

I learnt how to use asynchronous await while coding, cause before now I tend to shy away from anything that has to do be promise. My code are now efficient and readable.

Dom operation has helped me to relate better with my html and css while coding in JavaScript. The idea of being able to transfer my JS code to display on my browser has really being helpful. Trying out data structures and good code base. JS has helped me with that.

Presently I’m on working on my data structure so has to have a scalable codes and readable codes . This period has been drilling but I have being able to pull through with classes and I can say that my time in TiideLab is never a waste.

During this period I was the Head of House( HOH ) and it has been an amazing experience serving my fellows. Being the HOH has taught me a great leadership and communication skills. Got to know other fellows better.

We also had Mrs. Shola on our Friday meet-up, where she spoke about “HOW TO GET AND KEEP THE JOB”.

Here are some keep point she gave:

  1. Communication
  2. Creativity
  3. Determination
  4. Negotiation
  5. Presentation Skills
justShola and TIIDELAB fellow

It was one of the best session TiideLab gave me, because I understand better why presentation skills is very important.

I will keep you updated on my next level which is NODEJS… I can’t wait to let you know how that class will be like. But just get ready for my My-TiideLab-Experience-4 series, it going to be mind blowing I can feel it already.

Thanks for reading……



Akanwealth Asanga

Backend developer | Open to opportunities | Vanilla JavaScript, NodeJs, MongoDB, SQL |I Code for a leaving | TIIDELab fellow