My TIIDELab Experience 2.0

Akanwealth Asanga
2 min readNov 4, 2020

As days turn to weeks and weeks to months, TiideLab has being a source of inspiration and a pushing force. After advance HTML & CSS, we moved into JavaScript. I will say JavaScript has being more than just js to me, every aspect has being a way forward. Now i can say i am a technical person from the morning test to the peer learning section every single moment was educative ,informative and positioning.

Let me talk about Friday meet-up, Friday is always a day i look forward to, cause TIIDELab did not just made the fellowship for coding purpose only. They have build my self confident and also my leadership skills. Everyday in TIIDELab is a new skill learning process. From the meet-up game to the lectures and to one one chat will very important individual in the society be it tech or non tech. Am looking forward to winning the head of house game (HOH) this next meet-up.

October 1st Nigeria independent day was a wow for me cause we where taught important decision making process, we where showed the benefit Nigeria has to offer to us as youth and a tech person. The last meet up had the CEO Mr Kadir on board, where he talked about how to be successful and want we need. I was able to pick out few point which are:

  1. Have an entrepreneurial mindset
  2. Have self confidence
  3. Continuous learning
  4. Improvement
  5. Reinventing yourself

Have being going all over all this and it changes my view of everything i have had and never had.

I had a interview with Celestine Omin Chief Technology Office at Alta Labs with the help of TIIDELab. The interview was way beyond my expectation, during and after that interview i realize want TIIDELab has being doing for me. Programming isn’t about coding it way more. I new most of the questions but i never understood them. Take this from me if you are a programmer be it senior or junior if you don’t read your codes, docs you will not be able to balance things well. Just like i always say. Programming is like an art, you get better when every you hold your brush. Thanks for reading, will keep updating you as my Experience grow bigger in TIIDELab.



Akanwealth Asanga

Backend developer | Open to opportunities | Vanilla JavaScript, NodeJs, MongoDB, SQL |I Code for a leaving | TIIDELab fellow